#!/bin/bash # identify the parent directory in order to name the service. PARENT_DIR="${PWD##*/}" # replace restricted characters. PARENT_DIR=$( echo $PARENT_DIR | tr ' '. _ ) # retrieve any stack matching the parent dir. RUNNING_STACK=$( docker stack ls | grep $PARENT_DIR ) # attempt to find a running stack with the specified name. if [ -z "$RUNNING_STACK" ]; then echo "No running stacks were found matching '$PARENT_DIR'."; exit 1; fi # sanitize the running stack string. RUNNING_STACK=$( echo $PARENT_DIR | cut -d " " -f1 ) # if we found a running stack, bring it down. echo "Removing stack $RUNNING_STACK..." docker stack rm $RUNNING_STACK echo "Waiting for 30 seconds for services to terminate..." sleep 30