# Description This image provides the nginx and apache version of the Kimai2 time tracking system. For more information about Kimai2, go [here](https://www.kimai.org/). # Features Turn-key installation based on environment variables passed to the container. Creates initial super user on first install. Currently based on project's [master](https://github.com/kevinpapst/kimai2/). # Usage ## docker-compose (preferred) The recommended way of running is by using [jwilder/nginx-proxy](jwilder/nginx-proxy) as follows. ### With nginx-proxy For installations where there is a bridged network dedicated to nginx proxy: ```yml version: '3.7' services: kimai: image: bkraul/kimai2:nginx-alpine volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - ./local.yaml:/app/config/packages/local.yaml environment: # nginx-proxy - VIRTUAL_HOST=kimai.mydomain.com - PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE=America/Chicago # kimai2 - APP_ENV=prod - DATABASE_URL=mysql://validsqlurl - MAILER_FROM=kimai@mydomain.com - MAILER_URL=smtp://validsmtpurl - APP_SECRET=Superdupersecret # initial admin user - APP_ADMIN_USER=master - APP_ADMIN_EMAIL=master@mydomain.com - APP_ADMIN_PASS=masterPassword - APP_LOG=0 networks: - reverse-proxy networks: reverse-proxy: external: name: reverse-proxy ``` ### Without nginx-proxy For installations without nginx-proxy, a port usually needs to be mapped. The exposed ports in the container are 80 and 443 (see here for how) ``` version: '3.7' services: kimai: image: bkraul/kimai2:nginx-alpine volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - ./local.yaml:/app/config/packages/local.yaml ports: - '8001:80' environment: # web server - PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE=America/Chicago # kimai2 - APP_ENV=prod - DATABASE_URL=mysql://validsqlurl - MAILER_FROM=kimai@mydomain.com - MAILER_URL=smtp://validsmtpurl - APP_SECRET=Superdupersecret # initial admin user - APP_ADMIN_USER=master - APP_ADMIN_EMAIL=master@mydomain.com - APP_ADMIN_PASS=masterPassword - APP_LOG=0 ``` # Environment variables * `PHP_DATE_TIMEZONE`: Sets the correct php timezone. * `APP_ENV`: The current kimai environment, [`dev, prod (default)`] * `DATABASE_URL`: Valid URL for database. Use `mysql://user:pass@server.tld/database` * `MAILER_FROM`: The from address for the mailing system. * `MAILER_URL`: Valid swift mailer format URL. i.e. `smtp://server.tld:25?encryption=ssl&auth_mode=login&username=&password=` * `APP_SECRET`: The encryption secret for the app. * `APP_ADMIN_USER`: The user name for the first super admin to be created automatically. * `APP_ADMIN_EMAIL`: First super admin email. * `APP_ADMIN_PASS`: First super admin password. * `APP_LOG`: Pipe kimai2 log to the stdout.