#!/bin/bash # define variables. IMAGE_VARIANT=fpm-alpine IMAGE_VERSION=19 UPSTREAM_IMAGE=nextcloud UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG=${IMAGE_VERSION}-${IMAGE_VARIANT} IMAGE=bkraul/nextcloud # set username and password # requires vars DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASS to be defined before calling. # useful functions. function docker_tag_exists() { TOKEN=$(curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username": "'${DOCKER_USER}'", "password": "'${DOCKER_PASS}'"}' https://hub.docker.com/v2/users/login/ | jq -r .token) curl --silent -f --head -lL https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/$1/tags/$2/ > /dev/null } # pull the parent image from docker hub. docker pull ${UPSTREAM_IMAGE}:${UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG} UPSTREAM_ID=$(docker image inspect --format='{{index .Id}}' ${UPSTREAM_IMAGE}:${UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG}) UPSTREAM_ID=${UPSTREAM_ID:7} # get the version number. NEXTCLOUD_VERSION=$(docker inspect ${UPSTREAM_IMAGE}:${UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG} | jq -r '.[].Config.Env[] | select(match("^NEXTCLOUD_VERSION"))') NEXTCLOUD_VERSION=${NEXTCLOUD_VERSION:18} IMAGE_TAG=${NEXTCLOUD_VERSION}-${IMAGE_VARIANT} if docker_tag_exists ${IMAGE} ${IMAGE_TAG}; then # nothing to do, the image already exists. echo Image ${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} already exists. else # image doesn't exist we need build and push echo Image ${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} does not exist. echo "Building image(s)..." docker build $1 \ -t ${IMAGE}:${UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG} \ -t ${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "Pushing image(s)..." docker push ${IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG} docker push ${IMAGE}:${UPSTREAM_IMAGE_TAG} else echo "The build operation failed." echo "Please debug and try again." fi fi